After a move, when everything is finished and unpacked, families are left with an mountains of boxes and no where to put them. Instead of just throwing them out, Roy’s Moving has some good ways to recycle or reuse your moving boxes.

Give Boxes to a Friend or Relative – Do you know someone who is moving soon? Save them time and money by giving them the empty moving boxes you no longer need.  Your new home will no longer be cluttered with empty boxes and you will feel great helping out a friend in which they will greatly appreciate it.

Use Boxes For Storage – When you move into your new home, you are going to realize you will need to put items that you may not need right away in storage. What is great about moving boxes is that they can be used to store unused items, that you can store in either a storage unit or in your new basement or attic. These boxes will give you the opportunity to organize what you want stored away and plan out how you want to use your basement or attic.

Sell Boxes – If you want to try to make a profit off of your move, try selling your moving boxes once you are done using them. You can find websites that will offer to pay you for you used moving boxes which is a great way to make money and give back to someone else that may move in the future. Below are some websites that will purchase your moving boxes.

  • Craig’s List
  • NextDoor

Recycle Your Used Boxes – Whether your moving boxes were damaged in the moving process or not you can recycle your moving boxes after the move. If you visit your new town’s website, there should be a link about how your town handles recycling and what can or cannot be placed in recycling bins. Before recycling, you will need to break down the boxes so it is easier for transport for recycle pickups. If there are any special restrictions with cardboard, it is always a safe bet to contact your recycling service and ask if they have certain specifications on cardboard.

Schedule Debris Pickup – If you would just like to get rid of the boxes as soon as possible, think about scheduling a debris pickup with your moving company. Many moving companies will come by your new home to pick up used boxes to recycle or donate for a small fee. This is good to use when all other methods have failed or you need a quick way to dispose of the unused moving boxes.

For more information or a free quote contact us today!

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